Tech Host
Please visit Main Room Service for more info and to sign up.
90 days sobriety
Enough time in the group to understand how a normal meeting flows.
One-on-one practice which we are happy to provide. Please contact the service coordinator for training.
A computer (laptop, PC or Macintosh)
What To Do
Please join the Zoom room at least 15 minutes early.
Expand your Zoom window to reveal any buttons which might be hidden.
Click on CHAT and then PARTICIPANTS.
Click CLAIM HOST and enter the Host PIN (provided separately).
Go to PARTICIPANTS and click either the MORE button or the three tiny dots. […]
Confirm MUTE ALL UPON ENTRY is turned ON
Click on Enable Waiting Room to turn it ON
Make each of these positions a CO-HOST of the meeting
Tech Co-Host
Chat Host
Screen Sharer
Use RENAME to add the service position after each volunteer’s name:
For example, “Juanita (Tech Host)”
For the rest of the meeting, please monitor for disruptions.
AUDIO If someone’s mic is causing noise, please MUTE them.
VIDEO If someone’s video is causing significant distraction, please STOP VIDEO. Then send this suggested message, “Hi, we turned off your video because [REASON]. Please let me know when you’re ready to have your video turned back on.”
Keep an eye out for bombers. Familiarize yourself with our Bomber Guide in advance so you’ll know what to do if we get bombed.
Watch chat for requests from the chair or members.
If someone is being disruptive you may remove them from the meeting. This is an absolute last resort. Unless they’re obviously a bomber, please warn them first. Please avoid removing someone entirely on your own initiative. Consult another trusted member of the group to help make sure your judgment is sound.
After the meeting is over, if you need to leave while other members are still in the “Parking Lot,” use MAKE HOST to transfer as host before you leave. Or you can leave the room, but be careful to select “Leave Meeting” and not “End Meeting for All”.